All posts in "Mind Power Reviews"

Subconscious Mind Meditation: Does Mindfulness Affect Your Subconscious?

You’ve heard that mindfulness/meditation is good for your whole being. However, does it truly have an effect on your subconscious? Are you actually practicing mindfulness/meditation when you are accessing your subconscious?  You may feel like sitting quietly and taking deep, slow breaths with your eyes closed is a lot like sleeping. While it’s true that […]


Seven Steps to Achieve Goals in Life

Everyone has a goal they want to achieve at some point in their life. Some goals are big and some are small. We all have these hopes and dreams for our future and a desire to accomplish great things. This desire is deep within us, woven into our core and stitched into the fabric of […]


Review MindMaster Software

MindMaster is a program that was created by Tony Dosanjh. When it comes to using the mind, Tony is a master. He developed this course based on subliminal messages, which you can use to change your entire pattern of thinking forever. While it’s true that when you think of subliminal messaging, you think of the […]


Tips for Understanding the Subconscious Mind

While it’s true that we only have one mind, that mind has 2 parts that each have a different purpose and work in different ways. Those two parts are known as: Conscious Subconscious If you would think about your mind as a computer processor, your subconscious mind has a million times the power that your […]


Mind Power Secrets: Your Mind is More Powerful than You Think

Unfortunately, many people tend to underestimate the power of their mind. However, believe it or not, the potential for improving the overall functioning of your brain and the power of your mind is huge. You just need to invest the time and effort in finding a way to unlock and use your brain. Meditation Works […]


Rules for Subconscious Mind Programming

One thing you must have an understanding of is that if you want to make a long-term change in your patterns (ideas, beliefs, worldviews, perceptions, and customs), you must make some changes in the paradigms that are in your subconscious mind- through subconscious mind programming. This sounds a bit overwhelming, but believe it or not, […]


Mind Power Techniques: 4 Ways to Access the Power of Your Mind

Chances are you have already heard about that other aspect of yourself- the deeper, subconscious mind. You have most likely come into contact with it during dreams or when you listen to that “inner voice.” You probably haven’t really understood the potential that tapping into your subconscious mind has- you can learn more about a […]


Strategies to Achieve Goals

Chances are that you already know that it can be difficult to achieve your goals. You know the routine- you set a goal and keep trying to get out of your comfort zone- but things keep happening. You get distracted, frustrated, overwhelmed, and at some point, you go back to behaving the same way you […]


Human Mind Power: Your Thoughts are More Powerful than You Think

According to MindMasters, the human mind is the most powerful instrument that we know of in the universe. In fact, quantum mechanics indicate that the whole universe is within the mind. Here are 10 things about the human mind that you were probably not aware of. Our brain and the human mind power One of […]


How Powerful is the Mind?

Did you know that though your mind and your brain are actively involved in your consciousness and the terms are often interchanged, they are actually not just 2 words for the same thing? Your brain is a tangible organ that is in control of all of your bodily functioning. Know How Powerful is the Mind […]