Subconscious Mind Meditation: Does Mindfulness Affect Your Subconscious?

Subconscious Mind Meditation
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You’ve heard that mindfulness/meditation is good for your whole being. However, does it truly have an effect on your subconscious? Are you actually practicing mindfulness/meditation when you are accessing your subconscious?  You may feel like sitting quietly and taking deep, slow breaths with your eyes closed is a lot like sleeping.

While it’s true that sometimes you will fall asleep while you are meditating and wake up relaxed, which means that you achieved the whole objective. However, the truth is, there is so much more to mindfulness/meditation than just relaxation.

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There’s just something about  taking time to meditate on a regular basis that will change your entire life- whether in profound or subtle ways. Following, you will find out some of the ways that subconscious mind meditation can affect you- as well as some ways that you can practice it on a daily basis.

What Effects Does Subconscious Mind Meditation Have?

Here are 6 ways that practicing meditation regularly will affect you.

Enhanced Learning Abilities

One study revealed that after 8 weeks of meditation, MRI scans showed an increase in gray matter density in the hippocampus. This is the area of the brain that is responsible for learning and memory. In addition, the MRI revealed thickening and growth of gray matter in other areas of the brain that are associated with introspection, self-awareness, and compassion.

Increased Intuition

Your subconscious is a lot like a flash drive in your brain. It operates your opinions and has your instincts etched on it. In addition, it’s responsible for you saying “yes/no” to certain feelings/habits. So, when you listen closely to your mind (subconscious), you will see an improvement in your intuition, which could carry you to the right path, and in finding the right relationship or career for you.

Increased Healing Ability

You can rewire your subconscious to perform some of the more difficult tasks in life. This can be beneficial in helping you break away from uncertainties/myths. Just like a computer programmer would give the computer explicit instructions for carrying out a task, you possess the ability to program the most powerful computer of all: your subconscious.

Increased Creative Abilities

Were you aware that your subconscious is packed with unlimited creativity, tons of untapped potential, and very powerful information? By practicing subconscious mind meditation, you can tap into these creative abilities.

Understanding Fears/Phobias

When you practice meditation, it helps you dig deeper inside of your mind. It will allow you to train your subconscious to figure out where your fears and phobias come from. This will help you to discover cues that can help you take a deep breath and stop before those irrational fears come in and take over.

Clarity of Thought

When you practice meditation regularly, you will be able to dig up your true genius enough that you pay more attention to how you think, act, and speak.

5 Meditation Exercises to Practice Every Day

Now that you are aware of what meditation can do for you, let’s take a look at some meditation exercises that you can incorporate into your daily life without any extra preparation.


Find a comfy spot and focus on your breathing. Pay attention to what is going on with your various body parts as you are inhaling/exhaling. You can do this exercise any time at all- whether you are at work, at home, in the doctor’s office, etc. Any time you need to take a time out, you can use this to help you. If you feel like you can’t focus on your breathing, count them- 1 for inhale, 2 for exhale. Count up to 10 and start over again as many times as you need to in order to get yourself centered.


When you are eating, pay attention to how your taste buds react when you take the first bite. Pay attention to the reaction of your mind to the flavor. This is known as mindful eating. Of course, you don’t have to do this for the entire meal if you don’t want to- but you should do it for at least the first 5-6 bites. In addition, this will help you slow down and enjoy your meal.


Though experts recommend morning walks to increase overall health, you don’t really have to do that in order to practice mindful walking. All you really need is a few meters per day going into work or into your home. As you are walking, pay attention to the way your hands/legs are moving. In addition, pay attention to the way you are breathing and the way that you feel.


Find somewhere quiet to just sit. Don’t have your phone or any other device that can be a distraction. Now, observe/absorb your environment. You may want to sit somewhere out in the open such as the park or a balcony so that you will have lots of sensory stimuli to observe. Though it might be uncomfortable at first, especially in the fast-paced world we live in, the truth is that an hour of silent is good for your overall well-being.


Find an object nearby and direct your focus on it. Don’t allow any distractions to get between you and the object. Try to focus for as long as you can, but pay attention to your mind when it starts to wander. If/when it does, lovingly bring it back to the object.

These are 5 very basic mindfulness/meditation exercises that can easily be practiced no matter where you are. The more you practice subconscious mind meditation, the more mindful you are going to become- which is great for your overall health and well-being.

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